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Your venue can earn more money.


Simple booking management. You don't need to be a tech expert!

Control Venue availability

Visitors can see hall availability and make a provisional online booking


Everything Online Manage bookings, accept online payments, and send out invoices with a couple of clicks

Register in 3 Simple Steps

Make your venue visible to hundreds of thousands of event organizers by listing your venue

Listing request

List your venue for free without sign-up charges, from a single event venue, Hotel, or Garden, to a Stadium, and everything in between


we’ll take a closer look at the items in the listing request, site visit, and Approve your listing

Welcome your first Organizer

Once your listing is live, qualified guests can reach out. Get listed today and make sure they find your venue!

Advertise To Millions


Millions of global Organizers

Once you’ve completed your listing, guests from all over can find your Venue in search results

Higher Visibility

95% of all event organizers use the Internet to find a venue - we can make sure they come to you! Do you have an event hall, Conference hall, Meeting room, or any other venue that could get more bookings? Add your space on Ukumbi and we will help you find new customers

Why List With Us?

Access 100+ potential customers daily

Hundreds of people use Ukumbi every day to find a perfect venue for their corporate and private events. Reach users interested in what you offer.

Alluring Venue Profiles

Increase the visibility of each of your bookable spaces for various kinds of events.

Reach New Customers

Acquire New Customers who are looking for your kind of Venue.

Control your availability

Usage of the Internet is becoming more common due to rapid advancement of technology and power.

Marketing & Branding

Be where your customers are searching for you.

Free support

We will help you setup your profile and make sure you stand out from the crowd.

What Do We Offer?

Promote your venue for free

Ukumbi promotes listed venues through their intuitive online platform, in-house marketing, and Social Media

Simplifying Customer Budgeting

The booking customers have the ability to plan their event finances by choosing the needed services.

Simple Customer Management

Handle all important customer data in one place, any time, any where, and making your customer come back.

Easy Handling of Booking Reports

See statistics of total confirmed booking and earnings of your listings based on daily or monthly.

Engage Customers

Engage prospective customers in effectively for more Bookings

Venue Availability

Customers can easily check the venues available at their convenience to avoid booking collisions